William# Fry


Family Links

1. Hannah#

William# Fry

  • Marriage (1): Hannah#

bullet  Notes:

Chr from Wendy; FRY Ann daughter of William and Hannah Fry. Born June 8 1797 - Housekeeper North Watling Street at home ; the last bit seems to indicate that they owned a house on Watling Street as all entries are Housekeeper or Inmate. St Mary's is also on Watling Street, this is right in the City, virtually next to St Paul's.

Chr info from Wendy is as follows; All St Aldermary
William Thomas: Christened October 6 1791 son of Wm and Hannah Fry. Church
Hannah: Christened Jan 7 1795 dr of " " " " Born ? March? 1794. Home
Thomas: Christened Aug 9 1795 son of Wm & Hannah Fry. Born (8?) July 1795.
Joseph: Christened Nov 18 1798 Son of " " " Born Oct 25 1798 No 71 Watling Street. Church
Sarah: Christened Nov 7 1799 dr of Wm & Hannah Fry. Born Oct 13 1799 Housekeeper Watling Street
Joint entry for:
Henry: Christened Mar 6 1803 son of Wm & Hannah Fry Born July 24 1801
James: Christened Mar 6 1803 son of " " " Born Jan 7 1803 Baker The corner of Bow Lane No 71 Watling Street
Melior: Christened Nov 23 1804 dr of Wm & Hannah Fry born Oct 26 No 71 Watling St.
........... which would imply that Wm Fry was a baker and lived at 71 Watling St. Wendy then found the following adverts in The Times;
Oct 26 1819; To be let on lease a capital family house in substantial repair, situate in the best part of Doughty Street, immediate possession may be given. For particulars inquire at Mr Fry's 71 Watling Street. If by letter. post-paid.
Nov 27 1819; To be let and entered upon immediately. The upper part of a commodious house situte in one of the principal streets leading out of Cheapside, the first floor of which is well adapted for Glasgow goods. Apply Mr Fry, Baker, 71 Watling st
(Doughty street is in Holborn. Think Glasgow goods are cotton, linen etc)
Oct 18 1822; As housekeeper to one or two single gentleman or a tradesman, as cook in a small family, or as servant of all work in a small genteel family where a porter is kept to clean knives, shoes etc a steady active woman aged 33 who has lived in the above situation and can have a good character from the place she is going to leave. Direct to AB at Mr Fry's 71 Watling Street.

National Archives; Sun Fire Office; 19 May 1824 Contents: Insured: William Fry 15 Nicholas Lane baker. Could be someone else.

In Ann G-P's MANY books was one called 'Katherine Fry's Book'. This details the family of Katherine (1801-1886), who were Quakers and also Tea Dealers and Merchants in the City (but originally the family was from Benger, Wilts). Katherine's mother was the famous reformer Elizabeth Fry. One of Katherine's Uncle was a William Fry (1768-1858) BUT he married some called Elizabeth Bowzer not Hannah, and would have been too young to be the father of this persons youngest children anyway. Whether Ann thought these people were related or whether it is just a complete coincidence remains to be seen. Interestingly however one of the early Fry family business was called GRIFFITHS Fry & Robinson, established in 1772,

William# married Hannah#.

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