Burton On Trent Trip 17 May 2007

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Grave for John and Elizabeth Bateman, near the start of the
'Grave Trail', possibly relatives, but can't link them in yet.

General view of the gravetrail #1

General view of the gravetrail #2

The Jordan/Bateman gravestone

General location of Jordan/Bateman grave (next to my camera bag) #1
Taken with back to Grammar School.

General location of Jordan/Bateman grave (next to my camera
bag) #2, Grammar School beyond, Church out of shot to left.

The Grammar School, where Henry went,
although this is a newer building

Left to right; Church, gap leading to marketplace, possible
Bateman houses, given Henry's description in his biography

Aforementioned houses from head on

Ditto, the houses in the subsequent pictures below are
at right angles to the house on the left of this shot

The two houses that are at right angles to the ones shown above,
taken from edge of market place, (current) churchyard to right.

Detail of one of the houses shown left,
gap to green on the right

Detail of the other house of this pair

Back in the green now, left to right; wall of
church, gap to market place, potential houses.

The houses again

The houses, with Grammar School to the far right.

Sign about Bond End (in the gap leading to the marketplace). The timber
yard mentioned is almost certainly 'Perks and Bateman' and
the subsequent enterprises run by Perks after Bateman's death.