John Perkins/Pirkins# Wright
Mary Anne# Rands
Dr. Henry Charles# Bateman FRCS, LSA
Elizabeth Helen (pref Helen)# Senior
Dr. Christopher St John # Wright MB, FRCS, LSA
Agnes Louisa# Bateman

Christopher St John# Wright


Family Links

1. Violet Mabel# Griffiths

Christopher St John# Wright

  • Born: 5 Mar 1887, Medical Superintendent's House, Islington Infirmary
  • Marriage (1): Violet Mabel# Griffiths on 16 Mar 1914 in St Peter's Church, Fort, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Died: 29 Jan 1940, St. Columbus Hospital, Hampstead, London aged 52
  • Buried: 5 Jul 1940, Hendon Park Cemetery, Mill Hill, London

bullet  Notes:

Christopher St John Wright (known as 'St John' to avoid confusion with his father) was born in Islington in 1887 and was educated (like his brothers) at Felsted School, Essex - his father being the local doctor. At Felsted he excelled at Athletics (track and cross country), but appears to have been less academically inclined (although he finished top in his year in Science in the Lower V). In adult life he worked on tea and rubber plantations in Ceylon and Malaya, the evidence appears to suggest that he went into this line of work straight from school (apparantely starting immediately as a Plantation Manager). His wife left him in 1920 (possibly with a man known as 'Leo', she died 4 years later), possibly due to his and/or her drinking, at which point his only child Ann was sent back to the UK to live with her paternal grandmother whilst Christopher continued to live in the East, although he appears to have visited the UK fairly regularly. At a relatively young age Christopher became seriously ill (Cancer of the Tongue) and returned to live in the UK in a property he owned in Pimlico (which was split up into flats). He died in 1940 aged 52, three months before his daughters wedding.

According to Ann's biog he actually wanted to be "a poultry farmer in Essex" .

For pictures from his photo album see the 'George-Powell etc.' annexe from the main page on this site.
Have another photo of him with his brother George (on the right) taken by Hellis & Sons, London - see under his brother George.

Research etc.
Apparantely he was always known in the family as 'St John', to avoid confusion with his father.
Some of the later on references to 'St John Wright' in the Straits Times etc. probably aren't him.

Found birth cert in Ann's papers ; 5 Mar 1887 Medical Superintendent's House, Islington Infirmary. Christopher St John, Boy, Christopher St John Wright, Agnes Louisa Wright, formerly Bateman, (Fathers Rank) M.B., (Informant) C St John Wright Father Medical Superintendent's House, Islington Infirmary, St Johns Road Islington, 11 May 1887.

1891 Census (age 4) is living with parents and siblings at St.Mary Islington Workhouse Infirmary, where father is supervising surgeon & GP.

1901 census (age 14) living in Felsted Village, Essex with parents and 2 brothers.

Education; Felsted School
From Old Felstedian Alumni Register (as at 1931);
Wright, Christopher St.John (Monts House) Jan 1897 - July 1906.12 Bedford Avenue, Bexhill-on-sea, Sussex. Prefect. Master of Runs.
From later edition of Felstedian Alumni Register; Jan 1897 - July 1906. Prefect. Formerly Rubber Planting in Ceylon and Malaya. Died Jan 29 1940.
SMP; He was actually in Clark's House (after Rev RB Clark who was presumably housemaster) which appears to have been renamed Mont's (Montgomery's) after a subsequent housemaster who served 1909 to 1934.
Later more from Old Felsteadians;
From "Form Orders" for the period;
In the Lower Fifth for the Spring term 1905, Wright averaged 13th out of 19 in all subjects except Science, where he was top.
In July 1906, Lower Sixth, he was 16th in Scripture, 8= in Latin, 2nd in Greek, 10th in English and 14th in Maths. Greek Curriculum was Sophocles: Antigone and Thucydides book 4, 1-60.

Felstedians Magazine;
Light-weight boxing on March 14th 1906 "Lees (A) beat Wright (D). In the first round Wright unfortunately hurt his shoulder and was obliged to retire."

2 days later was the "Gordon Cooke" Cross-Country on March 16th 1906, Lyle won again, beating Wright into third place behind another called Sidky, again .. "The finish was an excellent one, the first three being within 30 yards of one another, and eight runners past the post within a minute of the winner." ... "Wright, too, ran with great pluck. He had put his shoulder out on Wednesday, and must have been in considerable pain the whole way.".

Wright won the steeplchases in 1904 and 1905 and was set to win for the third consecutive year on March 12th 1906. Page 38 of the magazine records the thrilling finish between him and Lyle ... "For most of the way Wright led, but at times the first three were running practically level. Lyle cleared the big jump, and by doing so gained considerably on his two companions, who did not; but from there to the Mill they ran in a bunch. Coming across the plough for home Wright at first gained a decided lead ... once on the road Lyle spurted, and with Wright unable to respond passed the post a winner by ten yards."

Page 51 records for Monday April 2nd 1906 "One Mile for Challenge Cup";
1: C.StJ. Wright, 2: R.C. Lyle, 3:E.S. Chetwood. Time: 4 min 49 sec. By far the best performance of the Sports. The school record is 4 min 41sec, and Wright's is the only other time on record under 4 min 50 sec.

In the previous year, 1905, the steeplchase was run on March 20th. Wright "came home an easy winner in 23 min 32.6 sec, with Lyle a good second." .. "in conclusion we must congratulate Wright on his second consecutive win, which was none the less creditable because it was expected."

p 46, March 1905: "C.St.J. Wright has been made a House Prefect.

1905 April 5th, Sports: One Mile Open: 1: Wright 2: Taylor 3: Chetwood. Time 5 m 0 sec. "There was much excitement over this race, for which six entered. Wright at once made the pace ... Wright led at the end by nearly 50 yards."
Career; Tea & Rubber Planter - Ceylon.
From Pam; Rubber Planter outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
Old Felsteadian; Rubber Planter - Ceylon and Malaya - so fairly conclusive that it was both locations.

Transactions of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1907 "The 180 coolies were divided into two lots and mustered each day separately, the Manager, Mr.C.St John Wright, kindly maintaining the numbers as nearly as equal as possible. Each lot was fed, at the estate's expense, with hot curry and rice each morning" But was he REALLY a plantation manager immediately after leaving school ?

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 August 1909, Page 8; Ipoh Athletics Sports; The following are the handicaps for the Ipoh annual athletics sports; C.St.John Wright was entered in the 300 yards handicap, 220 yards handicap and 150 yards handicap.
.... a later article shows he was second in the Mile race (it also says 'Holder Beaten' ; so perhaps he won the year before!). 'The Peninsular Olympics' ... ah "Half mile; C St John Wright beat C.S.Alexander on the post in a most exciting finish. Time 2m 18.5 secs". and "Mile Flat; C St John Wright 5m 33.5 secs".

The Singapore & Straits Directory 1910; Wright, C. St. J., assistant, Kuala Lumpur Rubber Co Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor.

1911: Inherited 1/5th of his father's estate.

The Straits Times, 19 March 1912, Page 10; The Steward Fund. It will be remembered that a fund was opened in Kuala Lumpa for the benefit of Mrs Steward, the aged mother of Mr Steward who met his death there under tragic circumstances last year ..... final list of subscribers ..... C.St.John Wright $5...... and then again later on $10 !

1913; Straits Times; 7 March 1913; P&O Steamer Mongolia connecting with the steamer India at Colombo due 7 March .... Mr.C. St J Wright

1914; Strait Times;4 March 1914: Homeward Bound P 7 O Mr St John Wright

From Wendy;
From The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser 27 March 1914
WRIGHT-GRIFFITHS. The wedding took place at St Peter's Church, Fort, Colombo at 12.30 pm on March 16, the Rev. A L Keith officiating, of Mr Christopher St John Wright of Kuala Lumpar, the youngest son of the late Christopher St John Wright, MRCS of Felsted, Essex and of Mrs St John Wright of Bexhill, England. and Miss Violet Mabel only daughter of the late Stephen Lewis Griffiths of the War Office, and Mrs Griffiths of Bexhill. The bride who wore a pretty dress of white crepe de chine with a hat trimmed with pink roses was given away by Mr P Hay Baker, while Mr H W Urquhart of Messrs Whithall & Co acted as best man. After the marriage ceremony which was a very simple one and the signing of the register which was attested by Messrs Hay Baker and Urquhart, the party proceeded to the residence of Mr & Mrs Hay Baker, “The Castle”, Glennie Street ,Slave Island where a reception was held. Those present were Mr & Mrs P Hay Baker, Mrs Church, Mr H W Urquhart and Mr Subie. Later in the afternoon the bride and groom left for up-country for their honeymoon
Engagement announced in The Straits Friday Feb 27 1914 (and again April 24 after wedding!)!
Have found a Piers Hay Baker who was high up in P &O so probably him.
According to Ann's (curtailed) biog they honeymooned at Kandy, Ceylon.

The Straits Times, 29 June 1914, Page 8; Mr.C.St John Wright who has been in charge of Wardieburn (Estate) goes back to Kent Estate.

1915; Planters Assoc of Malaya, Annual Report 1914-15. Wright, C. St.John, Kuala Lumpur is in the list of 'planters serving in the Malay States Volunteer Rifles'.

The Straits Times, 18 March 1916, Page 7; A Shocking Murder was committed at the Kent Estate last month, and one Veeran, a coolie, employed by the estate was .... committed to trial for the murder of a female child named Poonamah and having stabbed a women named Marajee with the intent of causing her death ........ lots of witness ....... Mr St John Wright, manager of the Kent Estate, stated that on the morning of the 14th at daybreak he found the woman and child on a stretcher outside the coolie lines - the woman badly injured, the child dead. He gave the woman some brandy and took her to the hospital.

1917 Strait Times; 6 Feb 1917 M & Mrs C St John Wright of Kent Estate have left for home.
1917; Was on the SS Maru with Violet, embarked at Penang and disembarked London 26 March 1917 which means Violet was eight months pregnant. UK address was given as 12 Bedford Avenue Bexhill.

1917; on Anne's birth cert. he gives occupation as Rubber Planter, and address as 10 Mitten Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex.

1917 Strait Times; 25 September 1917 Mr C St John Wright has returned to Kuala Lumpar from leave.

The Straits Times, 18 February 1918, Page 8; The the Malay Mail; Mr.C.St John Wright is taking up a billet on Carey Island.

1920; On passenger list for the Kumano Maru - departed London on 4 Dec 1920 'Wright Christopher, St John - Planter, Aged 33'. Contracted to land at Singapore, final destination Federal Malay States. Ann and Violet not with him.

The Straits Times, 13 April 1922, Page 10; Cricket; the following are the teams for the two day cricket match between Perak and Perang to be played at Ipoh on Saturday and Monday ..... Umpire; Mr St John Wright.

1924; He came back from Malay on SS Kashima Maru and arrived London July 1924 - again 12 Bedford Avenue. His address in Malay is given as Ipoh

1924; Travelling back to Singapore en route for Malaysia on 22 November 1924- UK address was 12 Bedford Avenue Bexhill.

1926; He came back from Malay on SS Glenapp arriving 13 December 1926.

Strait Times 1930; 28 May 1930 Slow Mail - Atlantic Liners wanted on Pacific Ocean. Writing in the Daily News of complaints from Malaya of slow mail services Mr St John Wright says. "I should like to see one or two of our fastest Atlantic liners slicing the days off the Indian Ocean run...."

In “United Empire, Volume 21” (1930) By Royal Commonwealth Society there is a list of names inc ‘C. St.John Wright’. The next list is of people in Singapore, so presumably he’s in the Malay list or similar.

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 May 1930, Page 18 ; article about a Mr St John Wright writing to the Daily Mail about the 'Hottest Mines in the World' ; the tin mines in Malaya.

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 July 1930, Page 19; large article about a Mr St John Wright writing in the Daily News and Westminster Gazette about how he is convinced the pendulum of industrial activity will eventually swing towards the Orient (!!!!!) .... and he also complains about the mail (and telegrams) again !

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 August 1930, Page 5; The Late Mr.St J Robertson. Enquiry at Penang. The Penang Coroner held an enquiry into the death of Mr St John Robertson who died at the General Hospital on 26th July .......... Mr St John Wright, planter and miner(?) said he had known the deceased for over 20 years. On June 4th he met Mr. Robertson for the first time for over three years at the E and O Hotel and conversed with him for about an hour. At the time he was absolutely cheerful. Mr Wright next saw the deceased when he was put in an ambulance. From June 4 until his death he visited Mr Robertson periodically. The deceased told witness that he had received the injuries from a fall as he stood listening to the hum of an aeroplane which was in the air at the time. Witness did not know anything about the circumstances of Mr Robertson. All Mr Robertson said of himself to witness when they met at the hotel was that he had become short sighted since they last met. (Robertson fell from a window at the hotel).

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 12 August 1930, Page 6; The funeral took place on Tuesday of Dr Alfred Savage whose death occured unexpectedly at the E and O Hotel, Penang. Immediately following the hearse were Mrs Savage and Mr St John Wright, principal mourners (this might not be him as can't see why he'd be principal mourner!?).

The Straits Times, 26 May 1933, Page 18; Our London Letter. Malayan Personalities ... Recent callers at Malaya House include Mr C St John Wright.

He fell on hard times in the Great Depression and returned to the UK, working for a while as a hotel porter on the East Coast. He was eventually able to access some Wright family trust fund money to buy 64 Tachbrook Street, Pimlico, SW1, where he rented out all the rooms apart from the basement flat which he lived in.

In the 1939 Register he is listed as 'Lodging House Keeper' at 64 Tachbrook Street.

Have 1939 letter from him to Ann, complains of being unwell, and financial problems.

Ann remembers visiting him at the flats before he died. And she has a book of poems with a note inside 'Bought with the proceeds of Tachbrook St mortgage' !!

From Death Cert; brother Arthur was the informant of Christopher's death.

Probate Index; Christopher St John Wright of 64 Tachbrook St died 29 January 1940 at St Columba's, 98 Avenue Road, Swiss Cottage, London. Probate 11 March to Kate St John Wright, Spinster. Effects £607 0 11

Here there is a reference on a Malaysian website to the passport of a Mr C.St.John Wright ??

MTG-P has certificate thus ; "Hendon Park Cemetery, Mill Hill, N.W.7 giving grave number - ie: Christopher St.John Wright, no. of grave 49025. G.4. The reverse side of this certificate says the cemetery is situated within about 200 yards of Mill Hill East Station, on the L.N.E.Railway and is 12 minutes' walk from Finchley, - Church End Station, L.N.E.Railway.
Emailed Barnet Council and rec'd the following;
"The funeral took place on Monday 5th July 1940, we did not keep a record of date of death in those days.
He was 52yrs of age and died at St. Columbus Hospital, it does not say in the register where this hospital is situated, although it must have been somewhere in the Hampstead area as that is where the death was registered.
The service was conducted by a Rev. F.J. Mortimer, and the funeral directors were a company called Crowe of Hampstead who no longer exist.
The grave does not have a memorial and would now be just a flat area of grass which is maintained by the cemetery staff in the general cutting of the grounds."

Christopher married Violet Mabel# Griffiths, daughter of Stephen Lewis# Griffiths and Katharine Isabel# Powis, on 16 Mar 1914 in St Peter's Church, Fort, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Violet Mabel# Griffiths was born Q2 1889 in Lambeth/Camberwell, London, christened on 29 Apr 1889 in Christ Church, Gypsy Hill, Lambeth and died on 29 Jan 1924 in Darjeeling, India.)

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