Unknown# Cunningham
James# Martin
Agnes# Peters
Francis# Cunningham
(-Bef 1763)
Agnes# Martin
Ann# Cunningham
(1735-After 1766)


Family Links

1. Lewis Burwell# Martin

Ann# Cunningham

  • Born: 1735
  • Marriage (1): Lewis Burwell# Martin in Oct 1762 in Dublin
  • Died: After 1766, Jamaica

bullet  Notes:

Much confusion!;
Sometimes shown as Ann. Sometimes shown as Anna.
Sometimes shown as daughter of Hon James Cunningham.
Sometimes shown as daughter of Francis Cunningham
Sometimes referred to as granddaughter of various Earls of Glencairns.
Ann G-P has her as daughter of James Cunningham who was brother of 13th Earl and son of 12th Earl.

Co-heir (with her sister) of the estate of her Uncle - James Cunningham of Jamaica, from which they jointly inherited £70,000 plus estates in St Elizabeth and Chesterfield, Jamaica.

Husband Lewis Burwell Martin was also her first cousin once removed.

Francis and James apparantely brothers.

Died soon after settling in Jamaica (after 31 Dec 1766 when she signed a deed in Dublin).

Sometimes shown as Hon - but this doesn't tie in with father's being Hon's - unless mother was a Lady in her own right - eg.daughter of a Duke. OR if American and Hon, which I think means member of the State Council.

"Blackford, The Story of a village and it's people" reproduces a family tree for the Seniors, from Patsy Miller, part of which says "James Gale Senior Gentleman married Letitia Martin daughter of Lewis Burwell Martin Gentlemhan of Connemara, Ireland and Anna Martin his wife who was the elder daughter of The Honourable James Cunningham son of James Cunningham, The Right Honourable The Earl of Glencairn. This James Cunningham, the last Earl of Glencairn ...." but we now know that the Glencairn connection is incorrect.

This; http://genforum.genealogy.com/mccaw/messages/124.html says "ROBERT MCCAW was born 1726 in Kirkcudbrightshire, and died 4 July 1806 interred at Balmacllenan. He married ANN CUNNINGHAM 1781. She was born 1751, and died 8 February 1814 in interred at Balmacllenan. She was the sister of the last Earl of Glencairn who died a batchelor." Perhaps this (obviously different) Ann Cunningham has led to the Glencairn confusion.

Ann# married Lewis Burwell# Martin, son of Col. John# Martin and Martha# Burwell, in Oct 1762 in Dublin. (Lewis Burwell# Martin was born in 1736, died on 20 Sep 1782 in St Elizabeth, Jamaica and was buried on 22 Sep 1782 in Flower Hill, St.Elizabeth, Jamaica.)

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