Family Links
1. Unknown
John Walford
On Thomas' wedding cert he is 'Draper'.
London Gazette; 7th March 1848; NOTICE is hereby given, that John Walford, of Shiffiial, in the county of Salop, Tailor and Provisioa Dealer, hath by an indenture, dated the 8th day of February hist, assigned all his personal estate and effects unto John Clarice, of Falcon-hall, in the city of London, Clothes Manufacturer, Robert Smith, of the Hun, in the parish of Shiffral aforesaid, Farmer and Miller, and Thomas Walford, of Powis Castle Office, in the county of Montgomery, Accountant, in trust, for the equal benefit of such of the creditors of the said John Walford who shall execute the same, or signify their assent thereto in writing, -within three calendar months from, the date thereof ; and that such indenture of assignment was duly executed by the said John Walford and Robert Smith, respectively, on the day of the date thereof; and the execution of the same by them, respectively, is attested by Andrew Phillips, of Shiffnal aforesaid, Solicitor; the execution of such assignment by the said Thomas Walford ds attested by Alfred Meredith, of Welchpool, in the said Bounty of Montgomery, Solicitor and notice is hereby further given, that such assignment now lies at the office of the said Andrew Phillips, in Shiffnal aforesaid, for the inspection and execution of such of the said creditors who are willing to take the benefit thereof. Dated the 2d day of March 1848.
John married.