Douglas Frederick Charrington
- Born: Q1 1876, Ham, Surrey
Found birth record; Douglas Frederick, Q1 1876, Middx.
1881 Census; Living as son (aged 5) at St Aubyns (or similar), Ham, Surrey with parents, 2 brothers, dau and 6 servants.
1891 Census; Living as son (aged 16?) at Fernside, Princes Road, Wandsworth, London with parents, 4 brothers and 3 sisters and 9 servants. PoB Kingston Hill, Surrey
1901 Census; Living as son (aged 25) at Bristol House, Putney Head, Putney, London with parents and 4 sisters and 10 servants. Occupation; Brewer/Wine, 'Employer'. PoB Kingston, Surrey.
Married Q3 1903 Paddington to either Lucy Mignon Herring or Ingeborg Marie Becker, more likely the later.
From: 'Parishes: Putney', A History of the County of Surrey: Volume 4 (1912); Gifford House, at the head of Putney Park Lane, is the residence of Mr. Douglas Charrington. Dover House, now occupied by Mr. J. P. Morgan, belonged to Lord Dover towards the end of the 18th century.