Johannes Christiaan Kalshoven
- Born: 1844, Holland
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth Emily Syms on 11 Jun 1871 in Lambeth, Surrey
June 30 1871 Pall Mall Gazette - KALSHOVEN SYMS At Lambeth John Chrisitan son of the late Mr J W Kalshoven of Amsterdam to Elizabeth Emily Syms, daughter of EG Syms of South Lambeth June 27
From Wendy; Lloyds Journal July 2 1875 London Bankrupts R Hendrey & J C Kalshoven Mark Lane, City, Colonial Merchants.
London Gazette (also 2nd Jul 1875) ; The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the London Bankruptcy Court. In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition against Ramsay Hendrey and John Christian Kalshoven, of No, 61, Mark-lane, in tbe city of London, Colonial Merchants, trading under the style or firm of Hendrey and Kalshoven, UPON the hearing of this Petition this day, and upon proof satisfactory to the Court of the debt of the Petitioners, and of the trading, and of the acts of Bankruptcy alleged to have been committed by the said Ramsay Hendrey and John Christian Kalshoven having been given, it is ordered that the eaid Ramsay Hendrey and John Christian Kalshoven be, and they are hereby, adjudged bankrupts.—Given under the Seal of the Court this 28th day of June. 1875.
London Gazette 23rd Jul 1875; The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the London Bankruptcy Court. In the Matter of Ramsay Hendrey and John Christian Kalshoven, of No. 61, Mark-lane, in the city of London, Colonial Merchants, trading in copartnership together under the style or firm of Hendrey and Kalsboven, Bankrupts. James Bewley Crump, of No. 9, Rood-lane, in the city of London, Accountant, bas been appointed Trustee of the property of the bankrupts. The Court has appointed the Public Examinxtion of the bankrupts to take place at the London Bankruptcy Court, Lincoln's-inn-fields, in the county of Middlesex, on the 5th day of August. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. All persons having in their possession any of the effects of the bankrupts must deliver them to the trustee, and all debts due to the bankrupts must be paid to the trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proof of debts to the trustee.—Dated this 16th day of July, 1875.
London Gazette (28 Dec 1875); In tie London Bankruptcy Court. A Dividend is intended to be declared in tbe matter of Ramsay Hendrey and John Christian Kalshoven, of No. 61, Mark-lane, in the city of London, Colonial Merchants, trading in copartnership together under the style or firm of Hendrey and Kalshoven, adjudicated bankrupts on the 28th day of June, 1875. Creditors who have not proved their debts by the 24th day of January, 1876, will be excluded.— Dated this 23rd day of December, 1875. James B. Crump, Trustee.
London Gazettte (11 Feb 1876); In the London Bankruptcy Court. A FIRST Dividend of 2s. in the pound has been declared in the matter of Ramsay Hendrey and John Christian Kalshoven, of No. 61, Mark-lane, in the city of London, Colonial Merchants, trading in copartnership together under the style or firm of Hendrey and Kalshoven, adjudicated bankrupts on the 28th day of June, 1875, and will be paid by me, at my office, No. 9, Rood-lane, in tbe city of London, on and after the 12th day of February, 1876, between the hours ot ten and four.—Dated this 7th day of February, 1876. JAMES B. CRUMP, Trustee.
London Gazette (20 Feb 1877); The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the London Bankruptcy Court. In the Matter of Bamsey Hendrey and John Christian Xalshoven, of No. 61, Mark-lane, in the city of London, Colonial Merchants, trading in copartnership together under the style or firm of Hendrey and Kalshoven, adjudicated bankrupts on the 28th day of June, 1875. HEREAS the notice of intention to declare the Second Dividend of 3.5d in the pound was not duly inserted in the London Gazette prior to the payment thereof. Notice is hereby given, that any creditor who has not received such Dividend shall within one calendar month of this date, forward to Messrs. Hallams, Son, and Coward, of Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing-lane, in the city of London, Solicitors to the Trustee of the property of the above-named bankrupts, a proof of his debt, or in default thereof he will be excluded from the benefit of the said Dividend. Dated this 14th day of February, 1877. JAMES B. CRUMP, Trustee.
1901 Census; (Indx as Kalshwen, very blurred); Living as head (age 57) at 9 Queen Anne Rd, Beckenham, Kent with wife and 2 x daus. Occupation; Tea Merchant something? Employer. PoB; Holland, Dutch Subject.
London Gazette 3rd Dec 1907; NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between us, the undersigned, Johan Christiaan Kalshoven and Frederick John Martin, as Tea Dealers, at 23, Bood-lane, London, E.G., under the style of KALSHOVEN, SON, AND CO., was this day determined by effluxion of time. All debts due to and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by the said Johan Christiaan Kalshoven, by whom the said business will henceforth be carried on under the same style as heretofore.— Dated 30th November, 1907. J. 0. KALSHOVEN. F. J. MARTIN.
1911 Census (from Wendy); They are at 34 Tierney Road, Streatham Hill
From Wendy; Times Frid March 12 1920; KALSHOVEN 9 March at 34 Tierney Road SW John Christian the dear husband of Elizabeth Emily Kalsohoven. Cremation at West Norwood Cemetery tomorrow (Saturday) at 11.30 Will friends kindly accept this, the only intimation?
More here on him; inc "The tall thin gent is my great-grandfather, Johannes Christiaan. He was a tea merchant with a business in London, from whence he traveled to Europe, (Holland in particular, but also Belgium), buying tea. His office was in Rood Lane, not far from the Tower of London. Although a newish office block stands there, there are still a number of tea merchants in the building. I have been told by a person in the business that that building is to be torn down and another built on the site. He and his family lived to the South of London, most of the time in Norwood and Streatham."
Johannes married Elizabeth Emily Syms, daughter of Edward Griffiths Syms and Sarah Augusta Bacon, on 11 Jun 1871 in Lambeth, Surrey. (Elizabeth Emily Syms was born Q2 1845 in Lambeth, Surrey and was christened on 9 Jul 1845 in St Mary's, Lambeth, London.)