William# Wright
Sarah A.# Perkins
Samuel Vanderplank
Elizabeth Freeman King
John Perkins/Pirkins# Wright
Elizabeth Jane Vanderplank

John William Vanderplank Wright


Family Links

John William Vanderplank Wright

  • Born: 1846, Irthlingborough, Northants.
  • Christened: 12 Mar 1846, Irthlingborough, Northants.
  • Died: 17 Aug 1872, Snitterfield, Warwickshire aged 26
  • Buried: 21 Aug 1872, St Leonards Church Yard, Priors Marston

bullet  Notes:

Christening date is actually baptism date and is from Sandy Hall research.

Repton have no record of him as a pupil (unlike his 1/2 brother). There are a number of possibles for his education, Warwick School for example. There is a governess at Priors Marston in 1871, but not in prior years, so presumably she was just for the girls?

1851 Census (age 4) living at 'Farm House' Priors Marston with father and siblings. Name very hard to read, there is a third christian name - looks like Vanderplank, whch matches incscription in PM church; http://www.hunimex.com/warwick/mi/mi_priors_marston.html so will assume it is.

1861 Census (Age 14); Living at Priors Marston ('South of Village') with parents, 5, siblings, 2 cousins (Eleanor and Charlotte Lamb) and 4 servants.

Northampton Mercury; 7th March 1868; Fatal Accident in the Hunting Field "On Monday last W.Terry esq held an inquest at Staverton on the body of Capt Richard Henry Weyland, late of the 43rd Regiment of Foot, who, whilst out in the hunting field, met with an accident which proved directly fatal. Mr. John William Vanderplank Wright, jun, farmer of Priors Marston said ; I was not acquainted with the deceased personally. I saw him on Saturday when I was out hunting. The hounds ran from Badby. I did not notice the deceased until just before the accident occurred, which was in Mr Shepherds field in Catesby. Mr Shepherds servant boy was standing at my right hand side. I asked him if he had seen hounds. He said "Yes sir, down there" pointing down the hill in the direction I was making for. (He then describes the accident in detail ; horse swerved at unjumpable gate) ..... continues …. there was no one there except the boy, who ran after the horse. I went up to the deceased was was lying on his side close to the gate. I ran up to Mr Shepherd's house to put my horse in, and there I met Mr.E.Shepherd, who went down to him at once with a brandy flask, and I followed. Mr Shepherd said he was trying to get some brandy down, but he could not get any down. There was blood at the back of his head, and some congealed blood at his nose. He appeared to me to be quite dead. With the assistance of Mr Shepherd, and some other gentleman I did not know, we took him up to the house, and I went off for the surgeon, and met Mr Johnson in Staverton".

1871 Census; tried to find. No exact matches, a few possibles (if give latitude on PoB).
In the Scottish census (getting desparate now!) there is a John Wright born England who is in Ayr as a Pvt in the 5th Fusiliers , but he is shown as 29. There is also a John Wright,22, Stereotyper, born England living in Midlothian. And, most likely, a John B Wright, 27, living in Glasgow who is 'Com Clerk In Rine Tock' (Wine Trade?). The B. could be a mis-transcription, but unfortunately cannot see the actual census forms for Scotland on ancestry.

National Archives; Papers relating to the settlement, 1862, of the Ingon and Snitterfield estates between Major Francis Lionel Octavius Attye and his four sisters, Hannah Lucy, Harriet Caroline, Margaretta Ellen and Augusta Jean, on the death of their brother Robert James Attye, unmarried and intestate. With subsequent leases of Hollow Meadow Farm to JOHN WILLIAM WRIGHT of SNITTERFIELD, gent., (1872) and William Whitworth of Hollow Meadow Farm (1878) and sale of 7 acres 2r. 10p. to Stratford Corporation (1884) with abstract of title. Map of Ingon Grange and farm with field names and acreages, c. 1862.

National Archives;
Snitterfield: Warwickshire CR 2433/31/136 1871
Contents: Bromfield to Wright. Hollow Meadow Farm. Valuation.

Snitterfield: Warwickshire CR 2433/31/136 1871
Contents: Attye to Wright. Land valuation.

Snitterfield: Warwickshire CR 2433/31/142 1872
Contents: Wright to Whithorne(?). Hollow Meadow Farm. Inventory.

Snitterfield: Warwickshire CR 2433/31/143 1872
Contents: Wright to Withorne(?). Hollow Meadow Farm. Valuation.

1872; Leamington Spa Courier; "... Leamington. JOHN WILLIAM VANDERPLANK WRIGHT (DECEASED.) ALL persons having any Claims or Demands against the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM VANDERPLANK WRIGHT. late of Snitterfield. in the County of Warwick, Farmer and Grazier, deceased, are requested forward their, Claims to John Pirkins Wright, of Priors Marston, Warwickshire, ."Sole Executor of the said deceased, or to me. the undersigned, to examined, and correct, discharged; and all persons indebted to the Estate are requested pay the amount of their Debts to ...."

Found grave in St Leonards Churchyard, Priors Marston. Actually died 17th Aug 1872 - so where was he in '71? Aged at death was 25, but this doesn't tie in with christening date? Grave is actually two stones - a 'normal' one and then, at foot of grave a smaller one with just JWVW inscribed on it. Specifically says he is eldest son - so no earlier sons.

Probate Index; John William Vanderplank Wright, Farmer and Grazier, late of Snitterfield died 17 08 1872 at Snitterfield. Probate John Pirkins Wright, Gentleman. Effects under £300

Warwickshire Records confirm was 'of Snitterfield' when buried, this also gives burial date.

Bill Martin's handwritten family tree, passed down through the family, shows Sir John ('St John' ?!?) Bradshaw Wright as being the father of;
William, died on wedding day thrown from horse. PRESUMABLY THIS PERSON
Samuel, died by accident result of gangerine in one leg. Shows his son and marriage. Dates given but unclear what they relate to.
Perkins Bradshaw, went to Australia, never tracked down. Possibly this is James Bradshaw Wright?

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