Rosebella Evans
- Born: 5 Sep 1886, Llanfair (?), Montogmeryshire, Wales
- Marriage (1): Henry Arthur Morgan on 20 Apr 1925
Got her precise birthdate from Family Bible info from Rosemary Elmes.
Presumably she is the Rosabella Evans born Q3 1886 in Llanfyllin district of Denbigh/Montogmery/Shrops.
1891 Census; Lliving in Llangyniew (aged 4) with mother, grandparents and siblings. Father away on census night. Birthplace here in NOT Llanfair - it's same as siblings but unreadable.
1901 Census; Living (aged 14) at Norton Cottages, Wroxeter, Shropshire with parents, siblings and grandfather (George Powell).
Eventually Sarah Ann went to live with her daughter, Rosabella Morgan at The Crescent, Radbrook, Shrewsbury. dsp.
Rosebella married Henry Arthur Morgan on 20 Apr 1925.