Family Links
1. Deborah
John Holbrook
- Born: 1780, Welsh Hampton, Shropshire
- Marriage (1): Deborah
Sons marriage to Sarah lists him as a farmer.
Have pursued him and his in so far in vain attempt to ascertain link to the Wright family. Note however that in "Testimonies to the value and usefulness to the Church, and the constitution ..." ,1850 (which various other relatives are in) it mentions John Holbrook, Gent of IRTHLINGBOROUGH, so perhaps he had land in Northants and Salop/Flintshire and that's how he knew the Wrights?
Chester Chronicle Apr 1827 (but note still there in '41); Valuable and superior stock of Dairy cows, Heifers, Barrens, Waggon Team, sheep, pigs, implements etc to be sold by auction on 23rd and 24th April 1827 by Mr John Holbrook, who is leaving the farm. Later details ; 10 cows with calves, 2 calving heifers, 2 stirks, 5 barrns, long-horned bull, two waggon mares 4 and 5 years old, half-bred gelding , one yearling waggon filly, 2yo ditto, in-pig sow, 4 store pigs, 15 ewes, 8 wethers etc.etc.
1841 Welsh Census (age 60) living as head at Little Green, Penley, Flintshire with (presumably as relationships not given); wife, dau Harriet, and a number of other people who are possibly farm servants. Deborah Holbrook (22) is at the next door farm belonging to Charles Birch.
1847; There is a letter to the Lord High Chancellor singing the praises of a Rev Michael Augustus Gathercole and approving of "his conduct in the arduous struggle in which he is engaged against the enemies of the church by John Hinds" signed by LOTS of people inc; W Wright, Farmer, Irthlingborough W.P. Wright, Gent, Irthlingborough ; WHO is this ? John Holbrook, Gent, Ithlingborough Stephen Sumpter, Farmer, Irthlingborough
London Gazette; 15 Jan 1850; NOTICE is hereby given, that John Holbrook. of Bradenhcath, in the county of Salop, and of Penley, in the county of Flint, Farmer, hath by an indenture, bearing date the 26th day of December 1849, assigned all and singular his personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever, and all and singular the surplus monies to arise from any sale or sales of the real estate or estates of the said John Holbrook, after satisfying the several charges due thereon unto Thomas Maddocks, of Penley aforesaid, Esquire, and John Reece, of Bradenheath aforesaid, Farmer, their executors, administrators, and assigns respectively, in trust for the equal benefit of the creditors of the said John Holbrook, or such of them as shall execute the said indenture, at or before such time as therein mentioned; and which said indenture was duly executed by the said John Holbrook, and also by the said Thomas Maddocks, on the said 26th day of December 1849. and by the said John Reece, on the 8th day of January 1850, and the execution of the same deed by the said John Holbrook and Thomas Maddocks, was attested by Richard Parry Jones, of Whitchurch, in the county of Salop, Attorney and Solicitor, and the execution thereof by the said John Reece was attested by George Harper, of Whitchurch aforesaid, Attorney and Solicitor; and which said indenture now lies at our office, in Whitchurch aforesaid, for the perusal of, and execution by the creditors of the said John Holbrook. And further notice is hereby given, that such of the creditors of the said John Holbrook as shall refuse or neglect to come in and execute the said indenture, or testify in writing under their hands, their assent to the same on or before the 25th day of March next, shall be peremptorily excluded all benefit therefrom.-Dated this 10th day of January 1850.
National Archives Deed of disentailment; (1) John Holbrook of Manchester, merchant; (2) Mary James of Penley, Flint, widow; (3) Thomas Holbrook of Bagley, Salop, gent; Messuages and appurtenances known as the High Ash Estate, c90 acres, late in occupation of Mr Willmott, then of Richard Briscoe and now of Richard Manley D2044/13 12 Jan 1850 Mortgage; (1) John Holbrook as in D2044/13; (2) Thomas Bateman of Hanmer, Flint, gent; Prem as in D2044/13; Recites D2044/13; Consideration: £500 D2044/14 14 Jan 1850 Conveyance; (1) Thomas Bateman as in D2044/14; (2) John Holbrook as in D2044/14; (3) Jane Pratchett of Hodnett, Salop, spinster; Premises as in D2044/13 and as shown here on plan; Recites D2044/7, D2044/13, D2044/14. Premises conveyed by (1) and (2); to (3) in fee simple possession D2044/15 17 Jul 1851
1851 Census (age 71). Widower living in Welsh Hampton, farmer of 128 acres employing 4 labourers. Also there are 2 unmarried daughters, 2 servants and his grandson 'William Thomas' (or vv) Holbrook.
John married Deborah. (Deborah was born in 1779 and died in Apr 1849 in Penley, Flints..)