Julia Violet Charlotte Rands
- Born: 1899, Dunston St James, Northants
- Died: 1938 aged 39
1901 Census (age 2 - might possibly be 4) living with parents and siblings at 3 Holyrood Road, Dunston St James, Northants. Also 3 servants (Governess, Cook and Housekeeper)
1911 Census; (not pulled) living aged 12 at 41 Newlands, Northampton. This gives full name as Julia Violet Charlotte.
1921 Census living (aged 22y6m) at Field Head, Dallington Av, Northampton with parents and brother and a domestic help. Occupation; Musical Studies and Domestic Help. HERE it says Violet Julia Charlotte !!
According to an index card in Northants CRO she was an Elk Hound exhibitor and lived in Dallington. Reference says she's a spinster and document (not pulled) is an obit, so presumably she died in 1938 - date of obit.
From http://www.ourdogs.co.uk/News/2002/December2002/News131202/norwegian.htm "Infusion of new blood was much needed and an excellent article produced by Julia Rands (1838) entitled "Scandinavian Invasion" sets the scene for the difference and controversy at the time when the newly imported 'Glitre' dogs first arrived. Quoting , she wrote: "Certainly there was a difference in type between the 'English' and 'Glitre' dogs, but they both had characteristics rarely found in the breed today. In general appearance they were both handsome, more massive and rugged than the dogs of the present day. None of them I should have described as pretty, an epitaph one constantly finds oneself applying to the exhibits nowadays. Compared with the 'Glitres' some of the 'English' Elkhounds were inclined to look 'common',while the former had a 'foreign' appearance to people accustomed only to the latter. Both were about equally and fairly inbred. Many of the first crosses between the two strains were very beautiful and charming animals and we were very pleased with them; but after them our troubles began "
Memorial hymn board in Stoke By Nayland Church.