Henry# Outlaw
Mary# Hare
William# Underwood
Sarah# Bush
Thomas# Outlaw
Sarah# Underwood

St.John# Outlaw


Family Links

1. Eleanor# Maule

St.John# Outlaw

  • Born: 1753, Irthlingborough, Northants.
  • Christened: 27 Nov 1753, Irthlingborough, Northants.
  • Marriage (1): Eleanor# Maule in 1785
  • Died: 7 Mar 1838, Irthlingborough, Northants. aged 85
  • Buried: 10 Mar 1838, St.Peter's, Irthlingborough, Northants.

bullet  Notes:

Baptism info and confirmation of parents from Ann-Marie Ell. I later found the record in Northants CRO - no additional information.

In the 1777 Militia List for Northants (supplied by Susan Tall) St John Outlaw is listed as Farmer of Irthlingborough.

Marriage date from the Pell/Outlaw pedigree in the Northants FHS Library, Wellingborough.
Birthplace from the same source. And death location, although this could just mean buried in Irthl, which we already knew, and not necessarily the same thing.
They didn't get married in Irthlingborough between 1780 and 1785, or I couldn't find it anyway.

From Irthl Hist Soc; In 1780 he was a Churchwarden along with James WRIGHT.

From Irthl Hist Soc;Northampton Mercury 6th October, 1783. "To be lett. Pleasantly situated in Irthlingborough in the county of Northampton and entered upon immediately a neat, compact house 2 parlours, good kitchen, pantry, dairy, Brew-house, wash house, stables, barn, chaise house. Very good garden, dove-house well stocked with orchard adjoining with fish ponds. For further particulars enquire of Mr Outlaw

Northampton Mercury;Mon 10th May 1784; To be sold by auction on Tuesday 18th May at the White Hart, Thrapston, about 4 in the afternoon. A Messuage, Tenement or Farm House, with a Malting and Dove House, and proper Barns, Stables and Outhouses thereto belonging; situate and being in Irthlingborough, in the County of Northampton, with a good garden and orchard and well planted with fruit trees ; now in the possession of Mr St John Outlaw. Together with 126a 1r 3p of Arable Land, 22a 3r 3p of meadow, and 15a 1r 10p of pasture; in the Open Fields of Irthlingborough aforesaid, reputed to be four YardLands and a half (?).
One other messuage or Farm House with proper barns and outhouses and orchard thereto adjoining ; a home close containing about one acre and a half in the tenure of Mr Samuel Wallis a Tenant at Will; with 110a 2r 12p of arable land, 17a 3r 3p of meadow and 30a of pasture; in the Open Fields of Irthlingborough aforesaid.
Also a messuage in Irthlingborough aforesaid with a spinney of elms thereto belonging ; in the tenure of John Marriot.
Also two other messuage with the Appurtenances in Irthlingborough aforesaid, in the several tenures of James Young and Robert Smith.
<Description of Irthlingborough>
N.B. This estate would improve very greatly upon an enclosure, which is likely to take place in a little time.
For further particulars, and a view of the premises, apply to Mr St John Outlaw at Irthlingborough aforesaid.
So in other words he had about 321 acres, about 1/2 of which was rented out to Wallis.

Irth Hist Soc; 1786 on 4th February Gentlemen's Game Duty Certificates were issued to St. John Outlaw Gent. & S.Taylor sen. Gent. - a list of recipients was published annually in the Mercury.

Northampton Mercury; Sat 16th Jan 1790; Irthlingbury(?), Northamptonshire. St John Outlaw, Maltster, respectfully informs the public he dries malt in the best manner for those who may please to employ him, at three shillings per quarter.
SMGP; First and only reference I've seen to him being a Maltster, normally he's farmer or Gent, but must be him.

Irth Hist Soc;Northampton Mercury 31st March, 1792 "All persons indebted to the late Thomas Todd of Irthlingborough are requested to pay the same to Thomas Woolston, fellmonger or St. John Outlaw"

Northampton Mercury; Sat 10 Aug 1793; Application of Owners and Occupiers of Meadowland along the River Nine or Nen. At a meeting of the committee appointed for conducting the business of this association, held pursuant to public advertisement at the Hind Inn, Wellingborough, this 17th Day of July 1793, Present ……. 12 people inc …… Mr.John Wallis …. Mr St John Outlaw. Resolved; <they shall see if more people are interested> and Resolved; That as the several persons this day nominated to the Survey of the Navigation and Mills being disapproved, from their connections with the parties interested, that Mr Goodhall do engage a proper, disinterested survey ….. etc.

Northampton Mercury 1793 " Association of Owners and Occupiers of Meadow Land along the River Nine or Nen. AT a Meeting of the Owners.... and Mr. Outlaw, of Irthlingborough "

Northampton Mercury; Sat 3rd May 1794; LOST; Out of Irthlingborough Lordship, a bay filly, of the poney kind, rising two years old, has some white on her forehead, and a long tail if not altered. Whoever will give me information of her, so that she may be had again, to St John Outlaw, of Irthlingborough aforesaid, shall receive half a guinea for a reward and all reasonable charges off me. St.John Outlaw, Irthlingborough, 1st May 1794.

Northampton Mercury; Sat 2 June 1804; Valuable Freehold Estate, at Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire. To be sold by auction by Mr Brampton at the Bull Inn, Irthlingborough, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday 21st day of Jun, at four o'clock in the afternoon. A very valuable Freehold Estate situate at Irthlingborough aforesaid ; consisting of a most capital Farmhouse, in thorough repair, with large and convenient Barns, Stables, and other outbuildings, Dovehouse and well stocked Malting, capable of carrying 16 quarters per week, an excellent and spacious garden, surrounded with lofty walls, planted with a choice Collection of Fruit Trees, large Yards, and 33 acres (more or less) of extremely rich inclosed Arable Land, in a high state of cultivation, conveniently subdivided and adjoining the homestead. The whole estate is in the occupation of Mr St John Outlaw, the proprietor, and possession may be had at Michealmas next. Further particulars may be known by applying to Messrs Hodson, solicitors, Wellingborough; or to Mr Outlaw who will show the property.

Irth Hist Soc; Outlaw served as churchwarden with John Wallis from 1807 to 1809

Northampton Mercury; 3 Oct 1807; To Let; A Coal Wharf, eligibly situated for extensive business at Irthlingborough Bridge, Northants. There is an excellent lime kiln on the Premises, in good repair, capable of burning fifty quarters of Lime per week. For particulars apply to Mr St John Outlaw, who shall show the premises.

Irth Hist Soc; 1809 18th December marriage - lately at Wellingborough George Rands, eminent shoe manufacturer of Wellingborough to Miss Outlaw of that place, daughter of Mr Outlaw, farmer & coal merchant of Irthlingborough.

Northampton Mercury 1810; "..... to Miss Outlaw, milliner, of that place, daughter of Mr. Outlaw, farmer and coal merchant, of Irthlingborough, in this county."

Irth Histo Soc; 1816 11th July - Northampton Mercury - to be sold by auction by Mr Aris on the premises of Mr Outlaw who is leaving his farm - live & dead stock, implements of husbandry, dairy & brewing utensils, household furniture and other effects.

Irth Hist Soc; 1817 17th May - Northampton Mercury To Bakers - to be sold by private contract - a messuage tenement bake-house & premises at Irthlingborough near Higham Ferrers. The above premises are well situated in the populace village of Irthlingborough for carrying on the business of a baker.

1824; in grant of custody of a lunatic to the care of his wife he is described as a farmer of Irthlingborough.

Docs in Northant CRO; Affadavit signed by St John and Eleanor stating that they knew Simon Oliver Taylor of Irthlingborough, deceased, and his two wives. Not sure of purpose, didn't read in detail (running out of time!) dated 1830.

12 Mar 1831; St John Outlaw signs an affadavit (held in Northants CRO with a copy of the family tree) stating that; he is the son of Thomas Outlaw and Sarah. His mother died approx 48 years ago (when he was about 27). She said she was one of two daus of Wm Underwood of Irthlingborough aforesaid Gentleman deceased and Sarah his wife, formerly Sarah Bush, spinster and that she had only 1 sister named Ann who married the Rev Robert Smith of Great Wilington(?). Goes on to say basically that his aunt always maintained there were only two children and that the dau Elizabeth who died aged 1 month and is in the Irthlingborough PR's was never mentioned to him. Not sure of the purpose of this document !
NB; Death approx 48 years ago matches what we had, although he was ~30 when she died, not 27.

Death details from FHS;
Saint John OUTLAW? Date 10 Mar 1838 Aged 85 Place Irthlingborough Description St Peter Denomination Anglican County code NTH

Northampton Mercury; Sat 7 Apr 1838; Dwelling house, bakehouse and Premises to be sold by auction by Mr Cleaver at the Bull Inn, Irthlingborough, in the county of Northamptonshire on Tuesday 17th Apr 1838 at six o'clock in the evening. All that freehold and substantial built dwellinghouse and premises, situate at Irthlingborough aforesaid, late the property and in the occupation of Mr St John Outlaw, deceased; comprising two parlours, a sitting room, kitchen, dairy, a roomy cellar, three sleeping rooms and one store room, yard, garden and stable and cow-house, together with a bakehouse and flour chamber ajoining the above, now in the tenure or occupation of Mr James West, who is under notice to quit at Michaelmas next. There is a well of never-ending water on the premises. To view the above apply to Miss Outlaw, the present occupier; and for further particulars, either to her, Mr George Rands, Newland, Northampton, or the auctioneer, Wellingborough.

The 'Phipps Family of Towcester' ;
states "Two children predeceased Pickering Phipps; Hannah, born on March 4th, 1807, and died October 9th, 1828, aged 21, unmarried; and Edward, who was born on April 6th, 1801. This Edward Phipps married the daughter of Mr. St. John Outlaw, of Irthlingborough, and had four children; two sons Pickering, and Edward who still resides at Towcester, and two daughters one of whom married Mr. W. Rice (Rice's foundry), of Brier Hill, Northampton; and the other first Mr. Thomas Pain, of Felmersham, co. Bedford, by whom she had a son and a daughter now deceased, and after his death Mr. James Barry.

In the Outlaw pedigree in the Northants CRO he is described as the youngest son and "owner of estates sold to G.Lovey(?)" last bit of that was hard to read.

Jan 07 ; found his grave (shared with wife), or more specifically his headstone - propped up behind the church. Says "In memory of St John Outlaw who died 7 Mar 1858 aged 80(? presum 85) years. Also Eleanor wife of the above died Oct 30 1836 age ?3 years". Later I found burial in CRO - confirms was 85.

Northants and Rutland Probate index on familyhistoryonline;
Name Saint John OUTLAW Year 1838 Status or Occupation gentlemanleman Place Irthlingborough County NTH Ref N Type W+S Series – Book or Box – No 08 Sep Fo or pg – Microform – Notes statement ID PRO#2/015263;
In 1838 he was ill in bed whilst making his will and was too ill to sign it. This fact witnessed.

Estate valued at less than £600. First £200 to dau Charlotte, 1 shilling to son Thomas, residual to be divided between 4 dau - Charlotte, Sarah, Ann and Mary.

St.John# married Eleanor# Maule, daughter of Rev. George# Maule M.A. and Eleanor# Manning, in 1785. (Eleanor# Maule was born on 28 Jan 1762, christened on 10 Mar 1762 in Castle Ashby, died on 30 Oct 1836 in Irthlingborough, Northants. and was buried on 3 Nov 1836 in St.Peter's, Irthlingborough, Northants..)

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